Friday, April 24, 2009

Gourmet Laksa

The week after my dramatic escape was, in short, kind.

If I've never said it before, well, I want all of you [my dear friends] to know that the time where I'll say "thank you guys for being perfect friends" will never come.

OK shit. I think I just indirectly said it. [Ego tak???]

So, being a true temporary-Malaccan [I emphasise on "temporary"], I spent my Friday evening in Dataran Pahlawan/DP/Whatever you wanna call it...

It was a breath of fresh air, after the hell of a week I had had...

Ate my Gourmet Laksa at Zen.

Then bought my favourite Jeli Anggur from that bakery in front of Zen.

Went to watch the funniest and sexiest Mall Cop ever... Paul Blart I'm truly madly deeply in lust with you.


Went to some hiasan-rumah-kedai-RM5 shop.

You know those key chains with birthdays on them??? And they have descriptions of people who were born on a particular birthday???


We thought it would be fun to read our birthdays.

Thought it was a good idea.

Thought wrong.

26 June, Farida Zohra; "people born on this date are loyal to their friends and are good listeners".


22 December, Adiba Farhana; "people born on this date are positive, a ray of sunshine".

HMMMM, I would like to exercise my right to remain silent. Sunshine konon.

15 June, Prince Irshad K.J, of Seremban, N9, Malaysia [feel free to puke];

"they are free spirited".

EH BETUL LAH! WAH! Begitu...

"they are fearful of commitment"

W. T. F! aku manede takut commitment! kot. ok. aku delusi. tau.

But my point is, why, eh no, HOW could they put sunshine and positiveness and loyalty on the other birthdays and put goddamneffing FEARFUL OF COMMITMENT on mine!?!

Jahat lah kau.

Whatev I don't believe in magic I don't believe in miracles I don't believe in love and I SURE AS HELL GODDAMN DO NOT BELIEVE IN STUPID KEY CHAINS!

Dramatic much???

On a lighter note... I have decided that I will not withdraw/drop Contract Law. I failed. It happened. I'll wing it. I'm gonna take it like a man. [OK, har har, laugh all you want...]

I'll pass the finals. And if I don't... Eh, Segi College nye law ok tak???

[touch wood touch wood CHOY!]

Kris Allen ditch your wife and marry me I could make you happy make you're dreams come true go to the end of the world for you there is nothing that I wouldn't do to make you feel my love...

Must. Study. Finals. 3 Weeks. Contract. Law. Sucks. Kill. Me. Now.

p/s; I love you. Hahah. No no.

p/s; Is it Nasi Cina Ayam Ala Zul, or Nasi Zul Cina Ala Ayam, or Nasi Zul Ayam Ala Cina, or Nasi Ayam Cina Ala Zul.....???


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