Friday, May 22, 2009

Bubur Kacang Hijau

The horror that was contract law is over. For now.

Countless of hours, a river of ink, a whole tree of paper...

And did it pay off?

In short,

Irshad v. Contract Law II BNL 1624

Court was in favour of the defendant.

It amazes me how many things you can do in three hours.

Watch a decent movie.
Imagine walking on the beach with Kris Allen.
Go back to your hometown.
Imagine you and Kris Allen embracing on your wedding day.
Dance in the Astaka.
Ponder upon Kris Allen's pictures.


Sit, and stare blankly into the papers in front of you, with a pen in one hand, and the Contracts Act in the other, while thinking to yourself "oh shit, i now this case, I read it like an hour ago, oh shit, oh shit, Yong Enting v something? eh no, Kau Daw what??? or was it Yong Yung Ung Kai??".

Oh well. At least Kris Allen won (Boo you overrated-screeching-raccoon-Adam-Lambert). I hate his (Kris Allen's) bitchy wife. Urgkh, some people have all the luck. She's married to Kris Allen. And I'm a failing first-year law undergrad. Yay me.

Whatev. Imma read some French.

Au revoir. J'aime grands mammelles.

(I think I may have an addiction towards Kris Allen, and I think, it might just be a little too harmful.)


diana said...

i know what that means!! (and believe it or not i didn't ask anyone or used a translator for that)

daku tonton isteri kris diinterview oleh E! daku rasa beliau agak sweet orangnya...

Irshad K.J said...

hahahah! ooops! oi seriously thought it meant like i like ice cream or something. but mammelles are ice too, especially if they're grand. pervertic much?

anyways... omgomomg kris allen won. dah.

Anonymous said...